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A vasectomy is a very effective way of preventing future pregnancies. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia and is considered to be very safe. During the procedure, the urologist makes a small incision and cuts, ties, or blocks the vas deferens. After this, the patient is stitched up and can go home.

What Happens Afterward?

Most patients feel a little sore or uncomfortable for a few days and it is recommended that patients rest at home for at least a day. Complete recovery is generally seen in less than a week. Many men choose to have the procedure on a Friday and return to work on Monday.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects and complications are generally minimal and don’t last long. Most men only report some swelling and possible bruising. Talk to your urologist if you have any concerns. Vasectomies do not affect testosterone levels, the ability to have sex or to achieve climax.

What about sex after a vasectomy?

Most men don’t notice any difference after a vasectomy. To avoid pregnancy, however, be sure to use another form of birth control until you get a test that confirms the procedure was effective and sperm isn’t present in the semen anymore. If test results show sperm is still in the semen, your urologist may ask you to come back at a later date to take the test again. That’s the only way to know that conception is being prevented.

Can a vasectomy be reversed?

In some cases, the procedure can be reversed, but it’s not easy and the outcomes aren’t always positive. So be sure you don’t want to become a father again before you have the procedure.

Procedure results can vary. Please be sure to consult your physician with all your questions prior to having this procedure.

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