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Come on in.

We believe that having loved ones nearby lifts spirits, brightens moods and improves healing. However, there are a few things to consider when coming by to say hello.

We are glad to have you.

Effort will be made to accommodate the patient’s expressed wishes regarding receiving/restricting visitors. Family and friends are permitted to visit at a time that is acceptable to the patient, providing that such visits do not interfere with diagnostic/therapeutic interventions and that such visitor(s) comply with the following general expectations:

  1. Check in with security upon arrival to the hospital.
  2. Visitors are expected to be respectful of the patient’s need for rest and the comfort and privacy of other patients.
  3. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a responsible adult.
  4. All visitors should be free of obvious infectious or communicable disease.
  5. Visitors to patients in isolation are expected to comply with posted instructions regarding personal protective apparel.
  6. Hospital staff may request that a visitor leave at any time the patient’s condition warrants such restriction.
  7. Visitors for patients in semiprivate rooms will not be allowed to spend the night.
  8. Aggressive behavior towards staff, patients, or other visitors will not be tolerated.
  9. Comply with all respiratory etiquette masking requirements.
  10. Visitors who fail to comply with the above requirements or who cause a disruption to patient care, compromise the safety of a patient, and/or impede patient care shall be excluded from the facility.
  11. In order to safeguard the security of patients and staff, visitors to the hospital are required to access the patient care units via the security check point located in the Emergency Department lobby.

Intensive Care Unit

  1. Visitors may be limited to two persons at a time. Immediate family and/or significant others may visit after checking in with the patient’s nurse.
  2. The appropriateness of visitation by children under the age of 12 will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the patient’s condition.
  3. Nursing personnel are responsible for ensuring that the length of the visit is not detrimental to the patient’s condition.

Women’s Center/Labor & Delivery Unit

  1. Post-Partum patients and their visitors will be instructed in one-minute hand washing procedure before handling infant.
  2. At the nurse’s discretion, a visitor may be asked to wear a cover gown.
  3. The patient’s child (ren) may attend the birth if properly prepared and supervised by an adult other than the patient or her support person.
  4. Parents are encouraged to prepare children for the birth experience by enrolling them in a class or arranging for them to view a birth video prior to the experience.
  5. During delivery, visitors not attending the birth will be directed to the waiting room for their safety and the privacy of the patient.
  6. An attendant may only be present at a cesarean delivery when spinal anesthesia is used. Before entering the OR, attendant will don scrub clothes, shoe covers, cap and mask and complete a 2-minute scrub with a surgical scrub brush. The attendant will then be escorted to the OR and seated at the head of the table after the spinal has been given and the patient has been draped.
  7. At the discretion of the anesthesiologist and surgeon, additional attendant(s) may be allowed in the OR for photos or videotaping.

Operating Room

  1. In order to maintain aseptic standards and ensure patient privacy, the number of persons permitted into the OR during surgery is limited.
  2. There are no visitors in the operating room or procedure areas unless explicit approval by hospital administration.